Snowflake Bobwhite Quail
It seems most of us work our whole life, so that after we are gone we are remembered for some accomplishment. I don't think my dad and I are much different from anyone else, because we both work extremly hard to be the best bird dog team in the business. However; no matter how many National Champions we turn out of our kennel, it could be GunRunner Gundog's will best be known for doing something we never set out to do.
Within a short time span GunRunner Gundog's has earned a combined total of 9 National and Reserve National Championships but it is the work we have done to develop the "Snowflake" Bobwhite quail that the kennel is best known for! Read the entire story of how this color phase came about in the article section of our web site. You can also see more pictures of the Snowflake in our Galleries section. Please email us at [email protected] if you are interested in buying eggs for the 2020 season.
Thank You
Kenny Armstrong